Media Fields 2015

Download full program at media-fields2015
April 2, 2015 : SSMS 2135
Registration. 12:00pm-2:00pm
Snacks served. 2:30pm
Panel 1: Encounters at the Border (3:00pm-4:15pm)
Moderator: Juan Llamas-Rodriguez
Graduate Student, Film and Media Studies, UCSB
Francisco Monar Modern Culture and Media, Brown University
The Border as Interface, or, Adventures in Reconceptualizing the Borderlands.
Thong Win Film and Media Studies, UCSB
Screening the Revolution Across the mekong Delta: Guerrilla Cinema and Vietnam’s Cultural Policy.
Greg Burris Film and Media Studies, UCSB
Encountering Rosa Parks in Palestine: A Report from the Palestine Freedom Bus, March 2015.
Kate Fortmuller Post - Doctoral Fellow, Critical Studies, USC School of Cinematic Arts
Encounters at the Margins: Bhowani Junction and the Politics of Location Shooting.
Opening Keynote (4:30pm-6:00pm)
Prof. Bliss Lim Film and Media Studies, School of Humanities, UC Irvine
Queer Aswang Transmedia: Camp Temporality and Philippine Folklore.
April 3, 2015 McCune Conference Room (HSSB 6020)
Breakfast 8:30am.
Panel 2: Tactical Resistance (9:00am-10:15am)
Moderator: Joshua Neves
Director, Global Media Emergent Lab, Concordia
Joseph Deleon Screen Arts and Cultures, University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Urban Renewal and GIS: Mapping the (Global) Motor City.
Daniel Grinberg Film and Media Studies, UCSB
Uncharted Territories: Theorizing the Piratical Potentialities of the Deep Web.
Darshana Sreedhar Mini Research Scholar, Freie University, Berlin
Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Lip Lock and Social Media in the Kiss of Love Protests.
Panel 3: Aesthetic Meditations (10:30am-11:45am)
Moderator: Hannah Goodwin
PHD Candidate, Film and Media Studies, UCSB
Beatriz Bartolome Film and Moving Image Studies, Concordia
Museum Mediations: Life according to Star Wars.
Tess McClernon Film and Moving Image studies, Concordia
Cry of the Animal: Sound and Sublime in Blackfish (2013).
Stephan Boman Film and Media Studies, UCSB
The Matter of Life and Death: Filmic Mediation in The Act of Seeing with One’s Own Eyes.
Lunch 12:00pm
Special Presentation (1:30pm-2:30pm)
Prof. Alexandra Juhasz and Theodore Kerr.
AIDS Reruns: (Re)Encountering the Past in the Age of Ongoing.
Panel 4: Affective Encounters (2:45pm-4:00pm)
Moderator: Diana Pozo
PHD Candidate, Film and Media Studies, UCSB
Debora Ribera American Culture Studies, Bowling Green State University
(Re)presentation: An Affective Exploration of Encounters in Documentary Film Production.
Beth Tsai Cultural Analysis and Theory, Stony Brook University
Rethinking Cinematic Apparatus: Adaptation, Remediation, and the Moving Image in the Gallery Space.
Matt Knutson Visual Studies Program, UC Irvine
The Dehumanized and the Nonhuman: Empathetic Play in Lucas Pope’s Papers, Please.
Closing Keynote (4:30pm-6:00pm)
Prof. Dan Reynolds. Film and Media Studies, Emory University
Media in Mind: A Transactional Encounter.
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