Past Issues
Issue 17: Modularity and Modification
Issue 16: Life Cycles
Issue 15: Media Cultures of the Imperial Pacific
Issue 14: At the Edge
Issue 13: Mediating the Anthropocene
Issue 12: Media and Migration
Issue 11: Surveillance States
Issue 10: Digital Distribution
Issue 9: Spaces of Protest
Issue 8: Playgrounds
Special Conference Issue
Issue 7: Gender & Sexuality
Issue 6: Data/Space
Issue 5: Memory, Space and Media
Issue 4: Scale
Issue 3: Documentary and Space
Issue 2: Media, Labor, Mobility
Issue 1: Video Stores
Witnessing (2025)
Zones of Mediation (2022)
Display (2019)
Ruins (2017)
Encounters (2015)
Access/Trespass (2013)
Contested Territories (2011)
Infrastructures (2009)
Media and Space (2007)
Call for Submissions
Past Issues
Issue 17: Modularity and Modification
Issue 16: Life Cycles
Issue 15: Media Cultures of the Imperial Pacific
Issue 14: At the Edge
Issue 13: Mediating the Anthropocene
Issue 12: Media and Migration
Issue 11: Surveillance States
Issue 10: Digital Distribution
Issue 9: Spaces of Protest
Issue 8: Playgrounds
Special Conference Issue
Issue 7: Gender & Sexuality
Issue 6: Data/Space
Issue 5: Memory, Space and Media
Issue 4: Scale
Issue 3: Documentary and Space
Issue 2: Media, Labor, Mobility
Issue 1: Video Stores
Witnessing (2025)
Zones of Mediation (2022)
Display (2019)
Ruins (2017)
Encounters (2015)
Access/Trespass (2013)
Contested Territories (2011)
Infrastructures (2009)
Media and Space (2007)
Call for Submissions
Past Issues
Issue 17: Modularity and Modification
Issue 16: Life Cycles
Issue 15: Media Cultures of the Imperial Pacific
Issue 14: At the Edge
Issue 13: Mediating the Anthropocene
Issue 12: Media and Migration
Issue 11: Surveillance States
Issue 10: Digital Distribution
Issue 9: Spaces of Protest
Issue 8: Playgrounds
Special Conference Issue
Issue 7: Gender & Sexuality
Issue 6: Data/Space
Issue 5: Memory, Space and Media
Issue 4: Scale
Issue 3: Documentary and Space
Issue 2: Media, Labor, Mobility
Issue 1: Video Stores
Witnessing (2025)
Zones of Mediation (2022)
Display (2019)
Ruins (2017)
Encounters (2015)
Access/Trespass (2013)
Contested Territories (2011)
Infrastructures (2009)
Media and Space (2007)
Call for Submissions
Issue 8: Playgrounds
Playgrounds Introduction
The Passenger and the Player
Antagonism, Incorporated
Playing Dead
This Thing of Ours
Careless Whispers
Queer/ing Game Space
Haptic Landscapes
The Street is in Play
Policing the Sandbox
Race, Space, and Digital Games
Issue 9: Protest Spaces
Tactical Frivolity and Disobedient Objects
The Medium is the Masses
Drone Vision, Zones of Protest and the New Cinema
Spaces of Witness
Protesting from Within
OccupyGezi as (an) Intertopian Space
The Gezi Movement and the Politics of Being-there
"Imaging Dissent"
Apocalypse at the Kremling's Door
Occupy and Academia
Staging Revolution
Issue 12: Migration
Introduction: Media and Migration
The Filmic Realization of Third Space
Rigid Identities and Evaporating Borders
Opening A Certain Poetic Space”: What Can Art Do
[The Fiction of a Doorframe]
From Drones to Crop Dusters
Producing and Televising Immigrant Stories: A Con
Border Research and the Transborder Immigrant Tool
Refugee Selfies
Digital Transience
Collaborative Journalism
Issue 13: Anthropocene
Against Eschatology
Surface Tensions
Email interview with Heather Davis, Visiting Schol
Post-Cinema After Extinction
There is no carbon-neutral production
Standing With Standing Rock
Cinema Cnidaria, or Marine Movies in an Age of Mas
Rethinking the Work of Art in an Age of Creativity
Weather Diaries
S-Town, Shit World
How to Hack the Grid
Issue 14: At the Edge
Introduction: At the Edge
Edge of Linear Cinema
Into Great Silence
She Crawls
The Exit Sign
Edge Detection
Immediate Delay
Queer Futures
Museum Maps and the Edge
Learning to Ignore Sirens
Media after Life
Drones at the Edge
Alchemical Ontology
Issue 14 Masthead
Issue 15: Imperial Pacific
The Cross-Pacific as Method
Cross-Pacific As Method
Reframing Colonial Legacies of New Guinea Art
The Karrabing Film Collective
Global Media Logistics of Exchange and Expenditure
Ticklish Contact Zones
Night and Fog in Japan
Japan Sea(s)
CHamoru Digital Activism
Infrastructure of the Image
Issue 15 Masthead
Issue 16
Virtual Ruins: Longing for Other Worlds
Theatrical Life after the Coronavirus Pandemic: Tr
New Age New Media
Air-Conditioning the Internet
The Politics of Cinematic Disposability
Re-presencing, Re-containing, and Re-materializi
Nostalgia as an Agent in the Life Cycle of Media
Undead: VHS and Technological Life Cycles
Four Theses on Formal Chronocentrism: Forgetful Re
Lithium Landscapes
Afterlives of Oil Media
Notes on Differential Circulation
Corvid Emoji Needed
Are Payphones Obsolete?
Introduction: The Life Cycles of Media
Issue 17
Blocked Ports: Sanctions and Software in Networked
Uncharted Media: Vietnam’s Exhibition and the Prac
Portals, Platforms, and Other Standards
Queer Blogs and Digital Archives
Did Hole-in-Space Create Place?
Embodied Subjectivity from Avant-Garde to Popular
Some New Rules of the Game
Issue 18
Issue 18
Looking into the Desert Mirage
Navigating the Virtual Labyrinth
The World in Front of the Text
Shudders in the Neoliberal Machine
The Presence of Others Affects Me: On the Mutualit
Webs of Care
Becoming Opaque, Becoming No-Body
Afterword: Trig Metawe Kura
Introduction: Media Mutualities
Mutual Exposure
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Copyright © 2010–2016 Media Fields Journal. All rights reserved. ISSN 2159–7553.